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  • Writer's pictureMallory Eilbracht

Things change and that's okay

I don't even know where to begin. I am clearly not a writer. For some reason, my overthinking and anxiety makes it difficult to put words anywhere outside of my mind. I will be in my head all day, but when it comes to writing, silence takes over.

As a lot of people know, I made many attempts to move to Germany. In my attempts to move across the world, I also attempted to document my journey via this blog. That became difficult because of the reasons above mostly, but also because I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. Not knowing what I was doing was part of the motivation to begin writing about the journey, because I felt that documenting it all would prove beneficial to someone (like myself at that time) who was planning on doing the same thing and had no idea what they were doing. Everyone has to start somewhere, right?

Clearly, the documentation of my journey was not successful, as there are hardly any posts. That being said, I have experienced a lot during my time in Germany and throughout my travels. I guess the point of writing it all out is so that I can also grasp it all. It's been difficult for myself to find positivity in my experiences, especially after the separation of me and my ex-boyfriend, who was my primary motivation in moving to Germany.

I think that using this blog as a chance to get my thoughts out there could be beneficial to my well-being and my outlook in life. I have been trying to be more positive in everything that I do and although I feel as though I relapse a lot on living in positivity, it is never too late to try and try again. A lot in my life has changed in the past couple years, failed plans, broken hearts, a new life, and more recently, a global pandemic. Time has been moving and changing quickly around me and just maybe being more mindful and positive will help with this feeling of living in chaos. Things are always changing, and that is okay.

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